SOFÍA alquiler de coches - Fiat Stilo 1.4i

Coches de alquiler Sofía » Alquiler de coches Fiat Stilo 1.4i
Map Sofía
  The Fiat Stilo is a five-door compact car that provides Bulgaria car hire customers with lots of convenience in terms of space and good equipment. It offers a notably good room for four car hire passengers and easy access to the ergonomic cabin. And the well-thought interior space is designed for maximum versatility for your car rent needs - the rear seats can slide to customize the boot size, there are no less than 11 clever storage compartments, the back bench is asymmetrically split and there is a ski hatch. The high driving position can be greatly adjusted and gives a good visibility of the road. Moreover, the Fiat Stilo has easily manipulated controls and in the 'city' mode the light steering becomes even lighter, making maneuvering and parking with this compact car a breeze.

Precios de Alquiler 30-365 dias 15-29 dias 7-14 dias 4-6 dias 2-3 dias

ene. 7 - mar. 31 € 148,9 € 151,9 € 156,3 € 160,7 € 163,7
dic. 21 - ene. 6 € 144,4 € 147,4 € 151,9 € 156,3 € 159,3
abr. 1 - may. 31 € 147,4 € 150,4 € 154,8 € 159,3 € 162,2
jun. 1 - jun. 30 € 153,3 € 156,3 € 160,7 € 165,2 € 168,1
jul. 1 - ago. 31 € 150,4 € 153,3 € 157,8 € 162,2 € 165,2
sep. 1 - sep. 30 € 151,9 € 154,8 € 159,3 € 163,7 € 166,7
oct. 1 - dic. 20 € 148,9 € 151,9 € 156,3 € 160,7 € 163,7
Los precios de alquiler son por día y no incluyen seguros, extras adicionales e IVA.
Manual caja de cambios, Gasolina, 4+1 pasajeros, 5 puertas, Equipaje: 2 maletas grandes, Aire acondicionado, Radio, Reproductor de cassette, Bolsas de aire, Llantas de aleación, ABS, Portavaso, Alarma, Cierre centralizado, Dirección asistida, Control de velocidad, Espejos eléctricos, Alquiler de coches en Sofía - desde  144,4 EUR
  Edad minima del conductor: 21 años