ECONOMY » Bulgaria

Economy of Bulgaria » Main industries, Production, Import, Export
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Economy of Bulgaria » Main industries, Production, Import, Export

Bulgarian economy is a free market economy. Economically Bulgaria can be qualified as a developed industrial-agrarian country and an attractive place for active tourism and sport-lovers because of its incredible natural resources.

The main industries with a great importance for the country are food-processing, wine and tobacco industries as well as the plant growing and the stock breeding. Bulgaria produces and exports the best tasting and nitrates-free agricultural products - vegetables, fruits, tobacco and dairies, as well as its famous wines.National Palace of Culture, Sofia

Bulgaria with its unique climate and natural resources is home for Bacillus Bulgaricus and number one yogurt in the world, which is believed to be the main factor for the long life of the Bulgarians.

Bulgaria is renowned producer and exporter of wine to more than 70 countries in the world. On the territory of Bulgaria there are 12 wineries producing a variety of excellent wines. Here are some of the labels you are less familiar with:

Gamza It is a red wine and tastes similar to Burgundy. It is jokingly recommended as a substitute of any blood group transfusion.
Mavrud Tastes like Bordeaux and it is made from grapes separated from the stems for they absorb part of the spirit of fermentation substance.
Melnik It is like Malaga. It is a wine one drink with one's best friends. It is also believed that everyone one who wants to have a baby boy has to drink this wine a lot. It is produced in Melnik, the smallest town in Europe (300 inhabitants) and have a unique dark red colour and heavy and thick taste.

Bulgaria is also famous for its light Oriental tobacco and oil-yielding rose.

Bells at Banner of Peace World Children's Assembly According to the Constitution of Bulgaria, adopted by the Great National Assembly on July 13, 1991, Bulgaria is a parliamentary democratic republic in which the sovereign power belongs to the people who exercise it through their representative bodies, elected by direct and secret ballot. Every Bulgarian citizen over the age of 18 has the right to elect or to be elected. 

The National Assembly, elected for a period of four years, is the supreme body of state power. The National Assembly enacts, amends and rescinds the laws, appoints and dismisses the Government and the Directors of the Bulgarian National Bank, draws up the state budget, adopts the resolutions for holding referenda, constitutes, transforms and abolishes ministries.