ROUSSE bicycle rentals, ROUSSE bicycle hire

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Excellent service, very good bike. Warmly recommended! Bert Blocken2017-10-11
  The most convenient and cost effective way to RENT A BICYCLE IN ROUSSE, BULGARIA.

We offer a wide range of bicycles for rent via - mountain bikes, city bicycles, touring, racing, city, hybrid, ladies, electric and bicycles for kids. Our Rousse bicycle rental fleet in Bulgaria is built of reasonably priced new and used bicycles available at low rental rates. All kind of professional bicycle gear, accessories and equipment rental is available upon request in order to make your cycling adventure pleasant and safe. Being long in the cycle hire service, we know what you expect from us, and how to treat you.

We value our returning customers and reward them with great discounts for all bicycle rentals.
Also, check our hot deals for scooter rental, motorbike hire, atv-quad rent, snowmobile rental.

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Rousse » Information

Bicycle rental in Rousse. Our rental fleet consists of ON-ROAD, XC [cross-country] or MTB [mountain] bicycles. Booking online a bicycle for rent in Rousse is quite easy and takes a minute. If you wish we will deliver the bicycles to the place you stay in Rousse. Renting an on-road, cross-country or MTB bike is probably the best way to experience Rousse and Bulgaria. Upon bicycle collection, we will give you friendly road and map orientation.

Bicycle hire in Rousse »

ROUSSE - Bulgaria » The city of Rousse is located on the high right bank of the Danube River,496 km from the outflow of the big river in the Black Sea, 320 km northeast of Sofia. The largest Bulgarian city on the Danube has a long history - from the 5000-year-old prehistoric settlement, the Roman town of Sexaginta Prista, or the Port of the Sixty Ships, and the important Ottoman harbour and fortress, to the present economic and cultural centre where Art Nouveau-inspired ornamentation drips from delicate turn-of the-century houses. About 200 buildings in Rousse are listed in the architectural and historical heritage of Bulgaria, the most outstanding of which are: the 1908 Liberation Monument, the Drama Theatre and High School of Music, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Dohodnoto Zdanie, the Kaliopa house and many others. The ancient places of interest include Leventabia Fortress, the Kyuntukapu Gate, the 1632 Holy Trinity Church, the Mahmoud Column. Rousse makes a good base for exploring the nearby Rusenski Lom National Park, home to the dramatic Rock Monastery of Ivanovo and the ruined town of Cherven.
Contact us for our bicycle rental services in Rousse.

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