SOFIA Wohnmobilvermietung, SOFIA Campervan mieten

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Wie üblich bei der Ankunft mit dem Auto am Flughafen warten, schnelle Formalitäten erledigen und losfahren, überhaupt keine Probleme mit dem Auto, seit vielen Jahren jedes Jahr Motoroads nutzen, immer höflich und ein Lächeln macht den Tag immer besser, nette Leute Geschäfte machen mit Stephen Kelly2023-12-05
Map Sofia
BEWERTUNGEN - Mietwagen Wohnmobile mieten in Sofia Camper van mieten in Sofia Wohnmobile vermietung in Bulgarien Camper van mieten in Bulgaria DAS DURCHSICHTIGSTE und KOSTENGÜNSTIGSTE ENGINE zur online wohnmobilevermietung in SOFIA. Preisgünstige wohnmobil vermietung ist vorhanden in jede Mietkategorie in SOFIA Sie können alles von uns mieten - Integrierte wohnmobil, Alkoven, Teilintegrierte, Camper Van. SOFIA Unser Autopark besteht aus preisgünstigen Wohnmobilen an all-inclusiven Basis sind- Vollkaskoversicherung, unbegrenzte Kilometer, кostenlose Zusatzfahrer, im Voraus bezahlte Vignette. Mit einer langjährigen Erfahrung im camperverleih wissen wir was Sie von uns erwarten und wie Sie zu behandeln. CAMPERVERLEIH REZENSIONEN FÜR SOFIA! Wir schätzen unsere Stammkunden und belohnen sie mit großen Wohnmobil mieten-Rabatten. Bei Buchung von über 3 Wohnmobil mieten mit uns haben Sie Recht auf Rabatt-Gutscheine für die Campermiete. Sofia.

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Sofia » Informationen

As Bulgaria′s capital, Sofia is its major business, administrative, transportation and car hire center. Situated in the western part of Bulgaria, amidst Sofia field, in the foothills of Vitosha mountain, Sofia has a central position on the Balkan peninsula. The new winter tourist routes to the Bulgarian ski resorts via Sofia Airport and the ever expanding summer Black Sea tourist destinations are the main reasons why increasingly more travellers to Bulgaria are looking for car hire and transportation services in Sofia. All major car rental companies like Avis, Europcar, Hertz and Sixt have representatives in the capital. There are also many local companies that offer rent a car services in Sofia. However, if you want to save time and money by instantly booking a car hire online in Sofia, Motoroads offers full car rental services at some of the most competitive car hire rates and preferential rental conditions. With Motoroads, your rent a car driving experience in Sofia is a car hire made easy: from the fast reservation process, through the easy and secure online car hire booking, to your all-inclusive car rental package, and 24/7 car hire support. We aim to deliver to you a hassle free, flawless car rental service in Sofia, to get you on the road quicker, and keep you coming back with our online car hire deals for any budget, user-friendly secure booking and fully inclusive car rental rates. If you hire a car in Sofia and want to visit some of the nearest travel destinations, here are some basic directions: From Sofia to Borovets (60km southeast) - take road 82 to Samokov and continue along to Borovets; From Sofia to Bansko (170km south) - take road E79 to Kulata, reaching Simitly turn left, and take road 19 to Bansko; From Sofia to Plovdiv  (150km east) - take highway E80/A1; From Sofia to Veliko Turnovo (230km East) - take highway E79/A2 towards Pleven, near Yablanitsa exit the highway and take E772 to Veliko Tarnovo; From Sofia to Kulata (179km South) - take E79; From Sofia to Gueshevo (120km southwest) - take E79, after Dupnitsa pick road 62 to Kustendil and continue along to Gueshevo; From Sofia to Kalotina (65km northwest) - take E80. It is not only because of its primary crossroads location, that Sofia is a main transportation and car hire center, but thanks to the fact that the second oldest capital in Europe boasts stunning ancient sites, beautiful architecture, theaters and museums, opera houses and art galleries, as well as a host of clubs, music venues and shops.

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