Kavarna, Bulgaria » Turismo, guía de viaje, información, fotos, mapas
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Map Kavarna
KAVARNA - Black Sea coast, Bulgaria » Kavarna is a famous sea resort situated 65 km northeast of Varna and its international airport, 12 km northwest of Cape Kaliakra, 195 km from Bourgas International Airport, 350 km from Bucharest International airport and 518 km northeast of Sofia. The beach of the resort is 3 km south of the town, by the port. The coastal line of Kavarna is an interesting combination of cliffs, beaches, caves and other abrasive formations. The landmarks of the town are the museum of history, Dobroudzha and the sea exhibition in the restored medieval baths, the ethnographic museum, the art gallery, old-time buildings from the Ottoman period, St George Church, the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Church, the monastery school. The remains of a Roman settlement can be seen on the hill of Chirakman. Rock concerts of legendary singers are held here every year and Kavarna is called the Rock Capital of Bulgaria. The town is a centre of golf tourism too.


Escenario Kaliakra Rock Fest, Kavarna
Ciudad de Kavarna
Ciudad de Kavarna
Costa del Mar Negro en Kavarna
Cabo Kaliakra cerca de Kavarna
Vistas al mar, Kavarna
Cabo Kaliakra cerca de Kavarna
Calle Kavarna


  • Alquiler de bicicletas
  • Alquiler de coches
  • Buceo
  • Canotaje
  • Cata
  • Conciertos
  • Degustación
  • Deportes acuáticos
  • Festivales
  • Kayaking
  • Natación
  • Navegación
  • Pesca
  • Rutas fotográficas
  • Snorkeling
  • Spa & Salud
  • Toma de sol
  • Contactar 

KAVARNA » Alquiler de coches, Motocicleta, Scooter, Bicicleta, Quad, Moto nieve, Traslados