Svetí Konstantín, Bulgaria » Turismo, guía de viaje, información, fotos, mapas
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Svetí Konstantín
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Llegamos a París durante los Juegos Olímpicos y el servicio, las motos y los consejos nos resultaron muy útiles en nuestro diario de 21 días por Europa. Han contribuido a crear recuerdos que permanecerán con nosotros por siempre. Las motos BMW 750 fueron magníficas y nunca fallaron en las condiciones calurosas del verano. Harald Gosche2024-06-10
Map Svetí Konstantín
ST KONSTANTIN - Black Sea resort, Bulgaria » The picturesque resort of St Konstantin & Helena is one of the oldest on the Black Sea coast. Situated in a fine old park with cypresses, lilies and fig trees, quiet bays, sand beaches and curative mineral springs, the resort offers comfortable hotels, villa-settlements and holiday houses, modern restaurants serving national and European cuisine, sports and entertainment for any age, excursions. The climate is Mediterranean with high concentration of light negative ions. The name of the resort comes from the nearby situates monastery St Konstantin and Elena, which is built at the beginning of the 18th century. This was favorite recreational place for the people of Varna long before the Liberation; the richer ones had rooms reserved for them in the monastery; others built summer houses amidst the woods. Visitors to St Konstantin can still enjoy a stay at the monastery together with a high- quality restaurant. St Konstantin and Elena resort is a small and secluded paradise. It is the best place for rest and recreation.


Beach of St Konstantin and Elena
St Constantine and Helena Resort
Hotel in St Konstantin Resort
Stormy Sea at St Konstantin and Elena
The Beach of St Constantine
St Constantine and Helena Resort
Tourists in St Konstantin
The shore of St. St. Constantine and Elena


  • Alquiler de bicicletas
  • Alquiler de coches
  • Alquiler de motos
  • Alquiler de quads
  • Alquiler de scooter
  • Buceo
  • Canotaje
  • Cata
  • Degustación
  • Deportes acuáticos
  • Kayaking
  • Natación
  • Navegación
  • Pesca
  • Rutas fotográficas
  • Snorkeling
  • Spa & Salud
  • Toma de sol
  • Traslados
  • Yachting
  • Contactar 

SVETÍ KONSTANTÍN » Alquiler de coches, Motocicleta, Scooter, Bicicleta, Quad, Moto nieve, Traslados